
Others : Energy suppliers, telecoms, heating and cooling companies, etc.

Seeking new B2B or B2C clients? That’s exactly what we excel at.

Since Leads Provider was founded, most of the sales our clients have closed have come through direct interactions with decision-makers in both B2B and B2C industries.

No more spending weeks mapping out the stakeholders in a company and getting into their good graces.

This is the very foundation of marketing : the more targeted and precise the campaigns, the higher the ROI.

As Coluche said about justice:

“There are those who know the law and those who know the judge.”

Our method is based on 3 pillars :


You and only you will have the prospect data. We only sell the lead once.


You will have a complete overview of all lead acquisition sources. This allows us to identify the best leads and make the most of them. This is the secret to market domination.


Qualified leads with some of the highest conversion rates in the industry.

Example of energy suppliers: EDF, ENI, GRDF, Primagaz

Target audience : Individuals, small businesses (SMBs), and medium-sized businesses (MMBs)

Channels Used for Lead Generation : 

  • Email campaigns
  • Google Ads
  • Phone Calls to enhance leads qualification

Key decision-makers: Owners (for BtoC), Directors and financial managers, Managers

Results : An average of 87 qualified leads per day per client.

→ A steady increase in sales.


Discover the companies that place their trust in Leads Provider.