Appointment Setting

To ensure long-term growth, acquiring new customers is essential, especially considering that companies typically lose 50% of their customer base every 5 years.

Qualified BtoB appointments : your turnover depends on it

A lead is not a prospect and certainly not an appointment. Only setting appointments moves leads forward and converts them into productive meetings. B2B appointments setting are valuable opportunities to engage directly with your prospects to better understand their needs and convince them to move forward in your sales process.

Leads Provider is like a skilled conductor, harmonizing the power of Growth, marketing automation, and telemarketing to create a symphony of lead generation and B2B appointment scheduling success. These three instruments, when played in concert, are a formidable force for driving qualified leads and setting up high-value B2B meetings.

Phone calls for lead qualification stands as the pinnacle of the lead generation process, transforming raw leads into qualified prospects with tangible value. It bridges the gap between your company and potential customers by setting phone appointments, bringing them closer to the purchasing decision.

The growth of your sales is directly linked to the number of qualified appointments handled by your sales force, whether in person or by video conferencing.

An increase in the number of these meetings allows them to expand their networks, present your products in a more personalized way, and maximize their chances of closing sales.

In B2B, setting qualified appointments is a key factor in business growth.

Appointment setting to increase your sales swiftly

The goal of appointment setting is to prepare leads for conversion into customers by arranging qualified meetings with your sales team.

Appointment setting is crucial for developing your revenue. However, to maximize results, it is essential to adopt an effective approach and measure the actions taken to adjust them if necessary.

Outsourcing your appointment setting campaigns is an ideal solution for companies that want to grow without having the necessary internal resources. This way, you can save time and focus fully on your area of expertise without spreading yourself too thin.

The main advantages of outsourcing your appointment setting campaigns are:

A more efficient sales team

Your salespeople will focus on their true value-added task: Selling! Their schedules will be regularly filled with new qualified appointments, making them more efficient and organized, which reduces your customer acquisition costs.

A strategic approach

Outsourcing your appointment setting campaigns allows you to be supported by experts for your marketing campaigns. Your company becomes more resilient and adapts more easily to changes.

Information gathering

For Leads Provider, "not interested" prospects are a goldmine of information. Our telemarketers talk to your potential customers, and if they're not interested, we find out the main reasons why and share that feedback with you. This valuable information helps you improve your sales pitch and fine-tune your marketing campaigns for the future.

A ROI approach

Our culture is focused on return on investment (ROI) and setting up precise KPIs is a must before launching campaigns. Thanks to our Web Report Tool, you can monitor the metrics of your appointment setting campaign in real time, as well as historical reports.

An agile approach

Your business will be more agile. Outsourcing appointment settinfg campaigns allows you to adjust your campaign in real time to stay aligned with your objectives. Our telemarketers are experienced and know how to adapt to different situations, thus guaranteeing you highly qualified BtoB meetings.

Controlled budgets:

Make budget optimizations by opting for outsourcing your appointment setting campaigns. You will have access to a dedicated team and efficient tools for the mission's duration.

The Appointment: The Heart of Your Sales Funnel

A completed form on your website or a lead generated through an email campaign doesn't truly become a prospect until after you've had an interaction with them via an appointment setting. It's this interaction that allows you to solidify their interest and qualify them as real prospects.

Leads Provider offers the following approach for setting up your BtoB Appointment campaign:

  1. Expressing your needs: gathering and documenting your expectations.
  2. Scenario definition: identify the most appropriate sequence of actions based on the behavior of your leads. Guide them step-by-step through the conversion process to schedule an appointment.
  3. Sampling and corrections: launch the campaign on a sample of prospects to evaluate and improve the process put in place.
  4. Campaign launch and KPI monitoring: evaluate the performance of the appointment-setting campaign and identify any opportunities for improvement.
  5. Summary of the results of the various actions: review the appointment-setting campaign on a weekly basis.

We carry out qualified telephone appointment campaigns in various business sectors:

  1. IT, telecoms
  2. Industry, business services
  3. Banking, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate
  4. Luxury sector
  5. Institute of Studies
  6. Health and well-being.


1What are the reasons to launch appointment setting campaign?

For 2 main reasons:

  1. Phone prospecting is essential for setting appointments, engaging with prospects, closing deals, and ensuring the long-term viability of the entire business.
  2. Meeting with prospects fosters more human business relationships, strengthens sales pitches, and allows for immediate understanding of the reasons for any objections. In some industries, a simple phone conversation can even be enough to close deals.
2What are the necessary conditions for a successful phone appointment setting campaign?
  • A qualified file:
  • A high-quality prospect database is crucial for successful telephone appointments. It ensures you connect with genuinely interested leads, saving valuable time and resources.

  • Training:
  • Phone appointment setting, particularly in the B2B realm, demands thorough preparation. Robust teleprospector training is crucial, as this task necessitates that sales representatives possess a command of calling techniques and marketing practices.

  • A positive attitude:
  • Sedentary salespeople need to be hunters, enthusiastic, professional and have a taste for challenges.

3What are the essential tools for running effective telephone appointment setting campaigns?
  • LinkedIn:
    In the B2B and complex sales realm, LinkedIn stands as an indispensable tool for prospecting. This social media platform facilitates a deeper understanding of prospects and streamlines interactions before initiating phone calls.
  • CRM:
    This is a valuable tool for managing leads and tracking sales opportunities. It saves precious time by automating time-consuming tasks, thus simplifying the lives of B2B salespeople.
  • A multi-channel software solution:
    It is indispensable for prospecting and phone appointment setting. It automates outbound and inbound calls, SMS and email sending, and interaction with prospects and customers via various social media platforms. This facilitates communication and engagement with your target audience across multiple channels.
4How do you qualify prospects during phone appointment setting?

Here are the criteria to check before setting up a sales meeting:

  • Decision-makers or prescribers:
    It's essential that the contact person be a decision-maker or influencer within their company. Scheduling an appointment with someone who lacks decision-making authority will not be productive.
  • Needs in line with supply :
    The product must address specific needs of the prospect. Otherwise, it is pointless to deploy a sales representative to meet with them.
  • Clear, concise communication:
    Avoid the trap of a vague or too-long presentation of the product. It is essential that prospects clearly understand the offer and understand its usefulness, so as not to waste the time of salespeople as well as that of prospects.
  • Timeframe and budget defined:
    When a prospect shows interest, it is wise to address questions relating to the budget and the deadline of his project in advance: Has he defined a budget line? When does he plan to launch the project?


Don't hesitate to write to us or call us to get in touch with our customers and discuss your requirements.

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