
Why Develop a Multichannel Customer Relationship?

In order to maintain contact with their clients, companies have long relied on the telephone, almost exclusively. And although its power and effectiveness are still very current, the rise of the internet and the development of various communication means have completely reshuffled the cards of customer relations. Tablets, smartphones, social networks—these technologies and innovations are now familiar to many clients and prospects. The era is therefore marked by the multiplication of communication channels and the diversification of contact points, which are essential to companies’ marketing strategies. But how advantageous is the multichannel approach, and what is its real impact on communication? In this article, we explain the importance of developing a multichannel customer relationship..

Multichannel customer relationship: a strategy in line with the times

It is now very challenging to know and anticipate on which platforms prospects and customers will be present, or which communication channels they prefer. Therefore, whether in B2B or B2C, multichannel becomes a crucial aspect of customer relationship management. It is a strategic key aimed at reaching the prospect with maximum effectiveness, leading to a better conversion rate and revenue growth.

By expanding its multichannel strategy with a diversification of touchpoints, a company has a much higher chance of meeting the expectations and needs of its customers, satisfying them, and retaining them; this ensures a quality customer service, which is essential for a company’s good reputation. Similarly, multichannel allows the company to reach prospects much more effectively, turning them into new customers. Smooth, rapid, and seamless communication builds trust and significantly enhances engagement. Here are the main channels for a successful multichannel customer relationship:

The telephone

Regardless of the envisioned multichannel strategy and preferred channels, the phone is undoubtedly the most important. Regardless of opinions, it is the most direct relationship tool, remarkably effective for reassuring, addressing various objections, and communicating a company’s values. Therefore, it is unthinkable to conceive a customer relationship without including this well-established communication channel, which acts as a face-to-face interaction.

The website

It is also a very effective communication lever in that it does not obligate the prospect in any way: they are free to navigate, gather information, and form an opinion about the products or services offered by the company. On the other hand, through this medium, the company can offer a chat or a contact form to create interaction with the customer, establish a business relationship, and generate leads.


It is one of the most commonly used communication channels by customers and therefore must be flawless. The email address must, of course, be accessible, and the flow of emails should be properly managed. In this digital age, companies are making extra efforts to provide quick responses to various inquiries and complaints via email. Their response times determine the impression of reliability and professionalism that a company projects.

Other channels, such as social networks (LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), direct mail, physical retail locations, or mobile apps, also hold a prominent place in a multichannel marketing strategy and in customer retention.

A better customer experience through multichannel customer relations

We see that the concept of “customer experience” is gradually replacing “customer relationship,” reflecting a desire to place the customer at the center of concerns. This shift in perspective means being able to respond to them at any moment, in a personalized manner.

The era is now focused on relationship marketing. Customer relationship management is no longer just about offering a product or service, but also, and more importantly, gathering feedback and understanding the needs of each customer. It now involves getting to know your customers or prospects better to provide a more tailored and suitable offering.

To optimize and sustain its multichannel strategy, it may be beneficial to outsource customer relationship management: the support of a multichannel contact center allows for consistent intervention across all communication channels (SMS, emails, messaging apps, etc.) and enhances responsiveness.

This is a solution that benefits the customer experience since all interactions are centralized and accessible to CRM advisors. It allows for better tracking and greater customer satisfaction, as clients do not have to repeat their issues each time.

Outsourcing customer relations thus streamlines interactions and request handling. It ensures personal and relevant attention to each customer and prospect, regardless of the nature of the inquiries.

A winning strategy

In B2B or B2C, multichannel strategies thus enhance the precision and accuracy of customer relationships while strengthening the customer’s sense of commitment to their service provider. With increasingly complex and varied customer profiles, it is crucial to multiply points of contact to adapt to different behaviors.

Multichannel relationship management is an unavoidable strategy in the era of digital communication: when well-executed, it represents an opportunity to convert prospects and retain customers. Indeed, feedback collected through various channels enables genuine personalization of interactions and improvement of the customer experience. Finally, to truly optimize this strategy, it is advisable to outsource customer relationship management and rely on the services of a dedicated center for this mission.